Promotional materials for an event
Are you organizing an event or a fundraiser for Cunina? We can support you by providing you with promotional materials of Cunina.
We discuss the promotional materials directly with the organization, so we are able to provide you with the right amount and manage our stock in the best way possible.
You can find the different promotional materials on this page. Remember, the availability of these materials depends on the moment of your event.
Would you like us to provide you with promotional materials? Please contact us via email or telephone (014 58 01 01)
How can we support you?
Cunina has a limited supply of promotional materials, but happily provides you with them to support your event. We do not only have flyers, information brochures and stickers, but also roll-up banners, hanging banners and T-shirts.
Below, we give you a small overview of the different promotional materials that we have in stock. This way, you can easily refer to certain materials when you send us a request by e-mail.
Logo of Cunina and other design elements
Cunina can also help you if you have printed matter. On this page, you can download the logo of Cunina and other design elements in different types of files.
If you are raising funds for a certain partner country of Cunina, you can download the specific image for that country in high quality. We would like to ask you to only use this image in combination with Cunina.
If you are planning on using our logo or one of our design elements for your own printed matter, please send us your draft before it is printed. You can also send it to